Solutions we offer

At Veritas Investigative Services, the list of solutions is always answered best by what the client wishes to achieve. While what we offer primarily is covered in this section, we are always expanding our skillset and capabilities. 

OSINT Analysis

We collect and analyze Open-Source intelligence, through data mining, various crawling techniques, data extraction, data washing and analysis.

Investigative Research

We obtain information through thorough research and in-depth investigation. Ensuring the authenticity and accuracy of data to solve cases.  


We advise clients to best safeguarding practices, using a tailor made approach to each client's needs. 

Digital Footprint Analysis

We can analyze a client's digital footprint and provide an in-depth report of our findings along with a customized plan to prevent leaks in the future. 

Public Speaking

We currently offer a class on Safeguarding Personal Data, geared toward Middle and High School aged students and their parents. Book a session today.

FOIA Requests

Need government records? ever wanted to file a FOIA but were intimidated by the process? We can help. 

Cold Case Research

We offer analysis on cold case crimes, missing persons' cases, and other long standing open cases. We offer these services to Law Enforcement agencies at a very discounted rate. 

Forensic Geneology

We have the ability to run known DNA profiles against several databases, offering the ability for Law Enforcement to utilize familial DNA to close cold cases. 

Familial History

We are also able to locate relatives using Familiy Tree informaion.

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